Forms for Upper Lake USD Employees
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Purchase Order Request
Please use this form for all purchase requests.
Paper requests will no longer be accepted.
Time Sheet
Please use this form for all hours worked above your normal hours or outside your class.
Paper forms will no longer be accepted.
Substitutes must also use this form.
Travel/Conference Reimbursement Form
Please use this form for all travel and conference needs and to have your travel approved.
Paper forms will no longer be accepted.
This form is required in order to be provided a District credit card for travel.
Please be sure to attach all receipts, maps, event flyers, etc.
Employee Expense Reimbursement Form
Please use this form for all department/site-approved purchases for which you need to be reimbursed. Attach all backup, such as receipts, event flyers, etc.
Lost Receipt Affidavit
Please use this form if you have lost a receipt for a purchase that you made.
Travel/Conference/Activity/Event Form - Sign-In Sheet
Please be sure to complete the section on LCAP Goals and Actions
Donation Request Form
Please complete and submit to your administrator before soliciting any donations
CalCard Use Handbook
This Handbook outlines the processes and procedures for utilizing the District's credit cards