Pupil Personnel Services
Welcome to the Pupil Personnel Services Department! We are dedicated to providing comprehensive support for staff, students and their families to ensure success and well-being throughout their educational journey. Below are the key services we offer:
Special Education
We provide individualized educational services for students with disabilities, ensuring that they receive the necessary accommodations and support to succeed in the classroom.
Section 504 Services
Students with disabilities who do not qualify for special education may be eligible for services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These services ensure equal access to education through accommodations in the learning environment.
Child Welfare and Attendance
Our Child Welfare and Attendance team works to address attendance issues, ensuring students are regularly attending school and identifying barriers that may prevent consistent attendance.
Interdistrict Transfers
We assist families with interdistrict transfers, allowing students to attend schools outside their designated residential district when applicable.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Our MTSS framework provides a proactive, tiered approach to identifying and supporting students’ academic and behavioral needs through evidence-based interventions.
Title IX Compliance
We ensure compliance with Title IX, protecting students from discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities.
Homeless/McKinney-Vento Support
Students facing housing instability or homelessness are supported under the McKinney-Vento Act, ensuring they have access to educational services and necessary resources without barriers.
Parent Resources
We provide resources for parents to help navigate school systems and ensure their children receive the support they need. This includes workshops, guidance, and access to community resources.