Interdistrict Transfer Information
Interdistrict Attendance Permit
Spanish Interdistrict Attendance Permit
Employment Interdistrict Attendance Permit
Spanish Employment Interdistrict Attendance Permit
***Interdistrict PROCESS*** Education Code 46600.1, 4600.2- Interdistrict Transfer requests for the 2024-2025 school year must be submitted during the Open Enrollment Window, which will be April 1, 2025, to June 1, 2025, to be notified of approval or denial within 14 days after the commencement of the first day of instruction.
When submitting an Interdistrict request after August 6, 2025, you will be notified of the approval or denial within 30 calendar days from the day the request was received.
The Upper Lake Unified School District (ULUSD) is committed to providing a quality education for all District students. All Interdistrict (for outside of ULUSD) transfer or release requests (from inside ULUSD) will be approved or denied based on enrollment capacity, in accordance with the law, Board Policy, and administrative regulation. Please read the Frequently Asked Questions below for more information. Additional questions not answered below can be sent to:
Tracy Beaty
Pupil Personnel Services Department
Administrative Assistant II
707-275-3364 x4105
Incoming District Request Process (Student is a resident of another district and the student would like to attend ULUSD)
- You must request the Interdistrict Attendance Permit from your District of Residence. Once the District of Residence completes the form, the signed form can be emailed (by parent or school site) or hand-delivered to the ULUSD Pupil Personnel Services Department.
- Once the form has been submitted, ULUSD will evaluate enrollment capacity and respond to your request. *Wait for confirmation that Upper Lake Unified School District has approved or denied your “Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit” application for the following school year. (If you are a current ULUSD interdistrict transfer student this process must be completed yearly. Look for reminders and forms in your email).
*State law governing school districts requires that each district ensures the placement of students living within its residential borders first. Students on interdistrict transfers can only be accepted on a “space available” basis and only after local students have been enrolled. For this reason, Upper Lake Unified School District may not be able to place Interdistrict transfer students until all resident students are placed. In some cases, this may be after the start of the new school year. If you are not sure of your school of residence location you can find that information at:
Lake County Attendance District of Residence Map
We are grateful you have requested enrollment in our district; however, we are unable to predict enrollment or guarantee space availability. For this reason, you must enroll your child in the school district in which you reside. This will provide you with an alternative should we be unable to accommodate your child in ULUSD.
Note: If your Interdistrict transfer request is accepted, ULUSD does not provide transportation for students on an interdistrict transfer and it is up to the family to provide transportation to and from school. There may be certain exceptions based on your address and its location to ULUSD bus stops and available space.
1. What is an Interdistrict Transfer? (To attend ULUSD)
- An Interdistrict Transfer request is for students living OUTSIDE OF THE UPPER LAKE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT attendance boundaries wanting to attend a school within the Upper Lake Unified School District. Parents or legal guardians who wish for their student(s) to attend ULUSD must first apply with the student(s) District of residence (known as the “home district”). Both districts must approve the application before the student enrolls in the desired school district. Upon receiving an approved transfer release into the ULUSD, the Superintendent or Administrative Designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the application based on enrollment capacity, in accordance with the law, board policy, and administrative regulation.
2. What is an Interdistrict Transfer Release?
- An Interdistrict Transfer Release is for families whose District of Residence is UPPER LAKE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT and want their student to attend a school outside of ULUSD boundaries. A parent/legal guardian of a student who seeks to be released from ULUSD to attend a school in another school district must first fill out the Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit Application during the application window and await a response to your request.
- Applications can also be picked up at the school sites. Requests may be approved or denied in accordance with the law, board policy, and administrative regulation.
3. What is the process for an Interdistrict Transfer Release form to be released from ULUSD?
- To obtain a copy of a ULUSD Interdistrict Transfer Release form (to attend a school outside of ULUSD), please visit your child's school site during normal office hours of 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. to obtain a copy. All requests must be approved by ULUSD first.
- The Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit will be approved or denied and you will be notified by phone and by mail/email.
- If the Request for Interdistrict Attendance Permit is approved, the PPS office will send the release to your child's district of choice. Both districts are required to approve the application.
4. What if an Interdistrict Transfer or Release is denied by ULUSD?
- It is advisable for families to exhaust all levels of appeal and meet with the District Superintendent or Designee within 15 days in an effort to resolve any concerns. However, it should be noted that families have 30 days to appeal to the County Board of Education from the date of the original denial.
5. What if the Interdistrict Transfer is denied by my district of residence after ULUSD signs the release?
- If an Interdistrict Transfer is denied by your current district, you may contact them to determine their appeals process.
6. Reasons for Denial/Revocation
It is very important to keep the following in mind:
Continued enrollment on an Interdistrict Transfer is contingent on positive attendance, appropriate behavior, grades, and *space availability:
- Positive attendance (greater than 90% /less than 10 tardies)
- Appropriate Behavior (all classroom and site-based behaviors will be considered)
- Adequate academic progress
The ULUSD Review Board will meet to determine continued placement in ULUSD at the request of the site principal due to non-compliance with the Student Handbook Codes of Conduct and/or Education Code Violation, poor academic performance, chronic attendance challenges.
If the student is in a specialized program, the student must maintain necessary requirements of the program or the student may need to return to the student's district of residence.
The parent or legal guardian shall arrange transportation and it shall not be the responsibility of the receiving district and/or the district of residence.
Please be advised that if your Interdistrict transfer is approved and conditions are not maintained, the transfer request may be revoked and the student may be required to return to their district of residence.
Other considerations for Denial:
*Space availability: Each year ULUSD evaluates the number of students enrolled vs. district capacity to accommodate all students within ULUSD boundaries first. Then consideration is given to students previously on an Interdistrict transfer. Last new requests for interdistrict transfers are considered.
Online Resources
Lake County Attendance District of Residence Map
Tenderly Logan, M.A., PPSC, LEP, APCC
Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services
Upper Lake Unified School District
707-275-3364 x4150 (Assistant Superintendent)
707-275-3364 x4105 (Administrative Assistant II)