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Complaint Procedures

Title IX

Title IX Coordinator
Tenderly Logan
Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services
(707) 275-2338 - Ext. 4150

UCP Update 2018-19 - Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) - This document contains rules and instructions about the filing, investigation, and resolution of a Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) complaint regarding an alleged violation by Upper Lake Unified School District (LEA)] of federal or state laws or regulations governing educational programs, including non-compliance with laws relating to pupil fees and our Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).

This document presents information about how we process UCP complaints concerning particular programs or activities that are subject to the UCP.

Williams Update 2018-19 - This document contains rules and instructions about the filing, investigation, and resolution of a Williams complaint regarding alleged deficiencies related to instructional materials, the condition of a facility that is not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, and teacher vacancy or misassignment.

Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP/AR 1312.3(a) - The Governing Board recognizes that the district is primarily responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations governing educational programs. The Board encourages the early, informal resolution of complaints whenever possible and appropriate. To resolve complaints that cannot be resolved through such in informal process, the Board adopts the uniform system of complaint processes specified in 5 CCR 4600-4670 and the accompanying administrative regulation.
Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials - BP/AR 1312.2(a)The Governing Board uses a comprehensive process to review district instructional materials based on selection criteria established by law and Board policy and includes opportunities for the involvement of parents/guardians and community members. Complaints concerning the content or use of instructional materials, including textbooks, supplementary instructional materials, or other instructional materials and equipment, shall be reasonably considered using established complaint procedures.

Complaints Concerning District Employees - BP/AR 1312.1 - The Governing Board accepts responsibility for providing a means by which the public can hold employees accountable for their actions. The Board desires that complaints be resolved expeditiously without disrupting the educational process

Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.4(a) - This document contains types of complaints and instructions about the Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures

Complaint Form

Williams Notice - Spanish - Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) Annual Notice & Compliance with 504, Title IL Title IX and CCR Title 5
Williams Notice - English -
Procedimiento Uniforme de Ouejas (UCP) Notificaci6n Anual y Cumplimiento 504, Titulo IL Titulo IX y CCR Titulo 5